Nightsong Family Crest

The Nightsong Family

Creator: Wolfsister
Owner: Wolfsister

Members: 16

On a cold winter night, an elderly woman magi was lost in the forest, trying to find her way back to the Keep to get help for her Tenera Dog companion, who she had left at an inn in a nearby town when it became ill. Frozen and desperate, the woman heard a beautiful sound from deeper in the forest, and followed it to a pack of wild direwolves whose howling had created a mystical song. The direwolves normally avoided humans, but they sensed the woman's distress and, after going down to her, herded her towards the Keep where she was able to get help. The woman never figured out how the direwolves knew where to take her, and she was not able to find them again. Every winter, though, everyone who wanders near the forest where she had been lost can hear the sound of the wild Nightsong pack, and whenever someone goes missing near there, they mysteriously return home unscathed with whatever they needed in their possession.


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (3)