Serigala Family Crest

The Serigala Family

Creator: DarkieLab
Owner: DarkieLab

Members: 19

A majestic-looking pack trots through the woods, intent on their destination, the two alphas and only one pup for now. The Serigala, or Amaroq, Pack (They both mean 'wolf' but in different languages) are a growing family, accepting others into it that are not related. They roam the dense forests, never staying in one place too long. It would be a great honor to have a member of this family with you, for it means that the pup's parents would trust you to give it the name of its soul, and raise it into an adult, to still go and hunt with its pack.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (1)