of Carrock Family Crest

The of Carrock Family

Creator: Fin
Owner: Fin

Members: 27

Beorn was a skin-changer, a man who could assume the appearance of a bear. He named the Carrock, a stony eyot in the upper reaches of the River Anduin in Wilderland and he created the steps that led from its base to the flat top. Once Gandalf saw him as a bear sitting all alone on the top of the Carrock watching the moon sinking towards the Misty Mountains, and heard him growl in the tongue of bears "The day will come when they will perish and I shall go back!".

During the Quest of Erebor, Beorn received Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, and the thirteen Dwarves and gave the Dwarves and Bilbo help in their quest. In the Battle of Five Armies, Beorn appeared transformed into a giant bear, and rescued Thorin from the Goblins and killed their leader Bolg.

After the Battle of Five Armies, Beorn became a "great chief" in the Vales of Anduin, and it is said that his descendants also were skin-changers, able to take the shape of a bear. His people became known as the Beornings.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (1)