Turquoise Family Crest

The Turquoise Family

Creator: Fin
Owner: Fin

Members: 32

The family of the "Turquise" are warriors and protectors. Their feather shimmering like turquoise silk and shine like an noble opal. They are little birds, but proud about their familys and history. They are strong in the everyday struggle of survival. Mostly they life in deep, blue colored woods, but sometimes some of them build their nests in the battlement of old castles and on the roofs of well-fortified manors. The people which lives with them in such cohabit regard them very well for her alertness and loyalty.

* NAME! your Turquoise Bird please
* Please breed ONLY with BLUE Talvar

Family rules

No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (16)

3rd Generation (6)