Folkvardr Family Crest

The Folkvardr Family

Creator: RogueWolf
Owner: RogueWolf

Members: 7

Many years ago, the people of a small village in the frostbitten land of Arkene were plagued with horrible trouble. Direwolves, Nandi bears, and other fierce predators were closing in harshly on their village. When all hope seemed to be lost, a large pure white elk appeared and fought back the predators, thus saving the town. From then on the elk and his children became part of a large powerful lineage know as the Folkvardr. The Guardian of the People.

#1. The names must be Norse, or at least sound Norse. If you need help, refer to these sites:
#2. All offspring MUST be named! No unnamed please!
#3. These elks can be sold but are prefered to be given away to someone. If you really don't want them, give them back to the Creator.
#4. Please don't freeze them, let them grow!
#5. Breed them! Create a big family!


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (1)