of Lightningclan Family Crest

The of Lightningclan Family

Creator: whitewolfjustice
Owner: whitewolfjustice

Members: 13

Lightningclan is a clan of cats that can capture and store electricity in their bodies. They shoot that stored up power at enemies during battles. They can also use the electricity to create barriers.

-Name them CLAN names
(Adult): Ex. Bluefur, Tigerclaw, Fireheart
(Frozen Hatchling): Ex. Bluepaw, Tigerpaw, Firepaw (notice the 'PAW')
(Frozen Egg): Ex. Bluekit, Tigerkit, Firekit (notice 'KIT')
-If you don't want one that you don't want send to me, if its an egg, freeze it and send to me or Master Belmos
please try not to release them

Family rules

No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (6)