Comatose Family Crest

The Comatose Family

Creator: allicatlane
Owner: allicatlane

Members: 14

A line bred in the icy landscape of the Arkene, they are distrustful to a fault. Bred for intelligence, independency, & excellent flight abilities, they function well alone or with their magi. They are well suited for travel or battle, able to make decisions on their own without being too dependant. This comes across as cold and calculating, and generally alienates less intelligent creatures. Once their loyalty is gained, they are a companion for life. If a magi cannot gain their respect, then they will abandon them and fly home by way of instinct, living off the land. Relocated to their caretaker's lands, they now serve as mounts and border patrol when the mage wars wander too close to home.

No inbreeding.
If you don't want a member anymore, please send them back to me.
Please only breed with only other Ice Gryphons or Lunar Hippogriffs/with Pegasi to create Lunar Hippogriffs.

Fun Fact:
I made this lineage as an edgy 11 year old. It's a Skillet song.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)