Umbraticus Family Crest

The Umbraticus Family

Creator: Tyriagris
Owner: RenYnde

Members: 11

Umbraticus, meaning 'located in shadows', was the name a great Magi gave his most beloved companion. Travelling through huge parts of the world, they soon figured out there were some people who were fairly suspicious of the Hellhounds, judging them by colors and the place they came from.
As the Magi died in one of the ancient wars, the Hellhound made his way through the world alone, until he found a new Magi who should become his next friend. And step by step, the Hellhound was given from Magi to Magi, until he found a partner he travelled with. Soon enough, there was a family, named after the epithet "Umbraticus".


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (3)