Grunter Family Crest

The Grunter Family

Creator: crookshankster
Owner: Tinni

Members: 20

Bacon and Ham didn't start out as life mates. They had a unique ability to defeat their opponents in battle, a Grunt so loud that it would temporarily deafen their enemy, giving them an advantage. They became famous as the fiercest fighters in the history of the chupacabra. As neither one wanted to share the title with anyone, they had a duel to prove which was the better. The fight didn't go as planned for neither knew that the other had the same ability. In the middle of the duel, Bacon and Ham tried to use their Grunts on one another and both became temporarily deaf. They were so surprised at having found another with the same gift that they stopped duelling. They soon discovered they liked each other and it didn't take long for them to become lifemates. When they found their offspring had the same Grunt, they adopted the family name Grunter and have been known as the fiercest of fighting chupas.
Story: Cellafane
Crest: Zunami


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (9)

3rd Generation (1)