of Vimmerby Family Crest

The of Vimmerby Family

Creator: Fin
Owner: Fin

Members: 40

It's a lineage dedicated to the swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. I think everyone know her and some of her amazing childrenbooks like "Pippi Longstocking" , "Emil" , "Brother Lionheart" and "Children from Bullerbyn" or some of her picturebooks linke "Tomte Tummetott" or others. Vimmerby is the birthplace of her and there are her roots. From there the wonderful storys began to grow ...

Diese Lineage ist der großen Kinderbuchautorin Astrid Lindgren gewidmet. Ich denke jeder kennt einige ihrer Geschichten und Bücher wie z.B. "Ronja Räubertochter" , "Michel aus Lönneberga" oder "Pippi Langstrumpf" oder eins ihrer schönen Bilderbücher. Die Autorin ist in der nahe Vimmerby geboren und aufgewachsen, dort sind ihre Wurzeln. Dort begannen ihre wunderbaren Geschichten zu wachsen...

** Please name the offsprings of this family with names or titel around Astrid Lindgrens Books and Storys :)
** No Inbreed please
** Please breed them and let the family grow :)


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (14)

3rd Generation (11)

4th Generation (2)