Forever Old Family Crest

The Forever Old Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 18

Forever Old are a family of Ice Gryphons who possess knowledge of times past. They are the keepers of that knowledge, passing it along to their children but rarely revealing any of it to the outsiders. It is rumoured some eldest among the Forever Old have literally lived forever having first-hand experience in happenings long ago. The Forever Olds are serious and devote their lives to learning everything possible making even the youngest appear more mature than their years would indicate, rarely giving into play or rambunctious acts.

- Please do not freeze or release
- Please breed only with other ice gryphons of same generation or lower
- Please don't inbreed
- If you wish to get rid of an offspring please send it back to Rosehill or to Master Belmos

Request free offspring here:
Crest by me, request your own here:


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (6)

3rd Generation (5)