In Boots Family Crest

The In Boots Family

Creator: empererpenguin
Owner: empererpenguin

Members: 5

As a child Puss In Boots idolized that cat from the fairy tale. When he grew up he decided he simply had to have a pair of boots of his very own, but finding a shoe maker who will make boots for a Kitsune is surprisingly difficult, Puss ended up traveling to Arkene. On the way he was caught in a blizzard and hit his head becoming convinced he was actually a cat. Puss met Silver in the shoe makers store when he finally made it to Arkene, most of what he knows about successful adventuring he learned from her.

Silver (a serious sort who wears boots because she hates getting snow between her toes) was a successful professional adventurer long before she met Puss. She taught him because she thought he could be much better than he was and his antics made her laugh. While Puss is capable of keeping up with Silver at this point she still goes solo when stealth is required. Since the children have gotten boots of their own Puss has been talking about hats, she isn't sure she wants to know.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (1)