Battlesteed Family Crest

The Battlesteed Family

Creator: HoukaRyuu
Owner: HoukaRyuu

Members: 9

The Battlesteed were an elite lineage of Niveus Enoxes who bore Kings and Princes and the Elite Knights of any army who worked for justice and freedom. They are the ones recognized for all the good deeds done during war. Their counterpart, the Warhorse lineage of Noctis Enoxes, were those that worked behind the shadows and never seen by the public eye. But of course, every once in a while, there are a few warriors who straddles both the dark and light sides of an army. They, and only they, get to ride the BattleHorse, the elite lineage of the Tevera Enoxes. Then again, there is also Warsteed, the rebels and outcasts from Battlesteed & Warhorse.

1. Please breed only with non-lineage Shop Bought Niveus Enox.
2. Please DO NOT FREEZE OR RELEASE eggs or hatchlings.
3. Please keep the lineage pure. No inbreeding.

Lineage Crest by Rosehill.


1st Generation (7)