of the Brazen Portal Family Crest

The of the Brazen Portal Family

Creator: redsixwing
Owner: redsixwing

Members: 11

Once, a crystalwing rose from the depths of the caves bearing a great key on a chain around his neck. Though it was heavy, the bronze bird flew far and gracefully to bear it to its destiny.
Once, a magi followed a crystalwing with one garnet-red eye deep into the earth, and returned with the blessings of an angel.

The crystalwings of the Brazen Portals are easily distinguished by their red-marked eyes, and by their unusual stamina. They make exceptional guardians, being trustworthy with even the most sharp-edged of secrets.

- Please name your Brazen Portals crystalwing after an angel or a character from the Kushiel's Legacy series.
- Don't release your offspring! If you don't want them, sell them back to me (redsixwing).


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (4)