Slater Family Crest

The Slater Family

Creator: whiteouthorizon
Owner: whiteouthorizon

Members: 17

Welcome to Eddleforde Castle, home of the Slater family. This age-old family has been living in the castle for hundreds of generations; the halls are decked with portraits of the ancestors, and their morgue is ever-expanding. The Slaters pride themselves on being of pure-blooded Etainian Alphyn heritage; anyone found to be consorting with any other Alphyn species is immediately disowned and banished.

~ Do not freeze or release
~ Naming is appreciated, but not necessary
~ If you do decide to name your Slater, give it a name you would give to a human child
~ Try to go through at least two generations before reusing a name.
~ Stream or crash-born Etainian Alphyns only, please
~ Do not mix with other lineages


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (2)

5th Generation (1)

6th Generation (1)

7th Generation (3)