Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Timber Wolf
Birthday: Sunday, June 16, 2013
Owner: triforce

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This strange egg feels like wood, and has moss growing from it.

Timber wolves never leave the comfort of forests, and can be difficult to find. Some villagers say they are not creatures at all, but forest spirits that allow themselves to be seen. The common tale is that timber wolves are actually trees, and can meld seamlessly with other trees in the space of a single heartbeat. Though no one has ever witnessed such magic, it is true that timber wolves can evade humans very well. This skill is mostly due to their very strange fur. This fur is made of bark, although it is very strong. Their bright green tails are actually made of moss, which grows from them. Adults have crests around their necks, which grow as timber wolves age. Should one of these branches be broken, the timber wolf can simply regrow it. These companions can also grow new limbs, though the process takes them a few moons. It's rare that timber wolves become injured in the first place, though, as they are not edible targets for predators, or easy to attack. These companions are known to be quite peaceful, and the only times they are ever angered is when their woods are hurt. Should a person repeatedly harm the forest, timber wolves will lash out at them.

Sprite art: Xenomorph/GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien