Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Temple Dog
Birthday: Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Owner: silflame

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The Etainian Temple Dog is the result of millenia of careful breeding, bringing out the very best traits for a watchdog. Every pup born shows traits that have been specifically selected for countless years. Temple dogs are highly desirable creatures, as they are extremely loyal companions, gentle around children, and completely self-sufficient. These canines hunt for their own meals out in the desert and even provide their humans with meals. Wiry and lean, temple dogs are perfectly adapted to the harsh Etainian desert, able to keep up a brisk trot for hours without tiring. They do not require much food or water to remain at full strength, either. Their short tan coats allow them to blend in with their surroundings, and if they wish to hide, they need only slink low to the ground. This allows temple dogs to surprise enemies and prey alike. Though they are great hunters and trackers, the main use of the temple dog is as a watchdog. They are kept in many villages to guard houses and livestock, for good reason. Temple Dogs are aware of their surroundings even while sleeping, their dreams accurately reflecting what is happening around them. As they are light sleepers, they can instantly awake, and their loud, high-pitched barking will soon bring people running. The Temple Dog has been a valued companion for the people of the Etainian desert for a long time. Statues of them adorn many of the village centers and old places of worship in that region, and tales of especially famous members of that breed are still commonplace among the legends of the desert people.

Sprite art: BettyxMe (egg) | Description: Morgaln