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Tenabre Kitsune #1543


Bred over thousands of years from their wild kitsune cousins, usually these highly sought-after creatures have exchanged some of their innate stealth for strong elemental powers and increased intelligence. Several breeds were developed, each specializing in a separate field, with fire and ice the most famous and popular. Although their abilities allow them to manipulate energies of their element with ease and grace, they do not generate magic themselves. Instead, they act as channel for magic energy. They can imperceptibly siphon energy from their environs and even other creatures to fuel spells. Likewise, their magi can channel spells through them, increasing their power and precision. These creatures are an invaluable aid to any magi studying the forces they specialize in.


Nine sleek tails frame this egg.


Young tenabre kitsunes are generally used as messengers, scrying through crystals and delivering short missives via patterns of dark flames. Some magi, however, have taken on using them as spies as well. The kitsune hatchlings thrive on the constant challenges and intellectual stimulation, and even their play is a form of practice. These creatures are intense investments, for a magi who would bond with one must not only constantly engage with their charge, but must also provide for their magical growth. The hatchlings sleep in small caverns, and require a highly magical environment to thrive. If either of these needs are not met, an adult tenabre kitsune will use its powers to whisk away the hatchling in a flurry of blue flame and smoke, leaving behind only a dark paw print.


Adult tenabre kitsunes are only limited in their power by the talent and skill of their magi. To truly utilize them fully, a magi must also have honed their own skills, and to do spellwork with a tenabre kitsune is a mark of accomplishment. They can act as primary or secondary focus for many rituals, and can coordinate magic from other magicworking creatures which might not otherwise work well together, such as a telvian panther and a mohrior. Tenabre kitsunes specialize in volatile and temporal magics.


Obtained from: Shop, Black Market
Breeding: No
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: August 4th 2024

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Sprite art: Xenomorph, Xenomorph/GlassWalker | Description: ApprenticeCrone/Morgaln

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