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Heartbreak Corazin #857


Corazin want nothing more than to love and be loved, but magi looking to raise one should beware: if the corazin is not treated gently and with respect, it will never learn what proper affection is. This can lead to the corazin losing weight, its coat darkening, and a twisted idea of how to demonstrate how much it loves you. When treated with care, however, the corazin is a happy animal that greatly enjoys playing with toys and bringing its magi small gifts of chocolate and flowers.


Corazin hatchlings are small and skinny, and would like nothing more than to be held all day and all night by their magi. Most understand that this isn't possible, but magi should still ensure they spend quality time with their corazin hatchling, as well as provide it with soft toys, blankets, and preferably a companion or two so it won't get lonely. A lonely corazin hatchling will usually cry until it's comforted, its wails remarkably like those of a baby. As they get older, corazin hatchlings need less constant attention, but will also seek out affection wherever possible.


An adult corazin, properly nurtured and loved, is always happy, content to spend any time at all with their magi, whether that's lying stretched out on the rug at their magi's feet, or travelling through the countryside. They have a great fondness for things shaped like hearts, and magi will often awaken to small presents left on the bed, especially plush pillows. However, a neglected corazin has trouble understanding what appropriate gifts are and how to acquire them, going to great lengths in its desperation to be loved.


Obtained from: Event, Valentines, Retired
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: February 14th 2018

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Heartbreak Corazin + Heartbreak Corazin = Corazin (Hard)
Corazin + Heartbreak Corazin = Corazin (Hard)
Corazin + Heartbreak Corazin = Heartbreak Corazin (Very hard)

Sprite art: Lazuli, Tekla/Lazuli | Description: Sochitelya

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