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crystal_phoenix's entry

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 2:39:39 am
by crystal_phoenix
notes on the following post

Re: crystal_phoenix's entry

Posted: June 17th, 2009, 2:41:13 am
by crystal_phoenix
yes, those are my feet XD
i couldn't find any blank pieces of paper to make a sign with so i decided to use my laptop screen as a substitute. i also didn't have anyone around to help me take the picture... so i was also sort of standing upside down over my laptop, supporting myself with one hand while holding my phone in the other :sweat: awkward position to be in... but it got the job done :D

here's what i had up on the screen:
i hope the artists don't mind that i was playing around with their sprites and combining them to make what i see as crystal phoenixes :) hope you like my entry ^_^