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The Magi's Summer Life.

Posted: August 13th, 2014, 10:38:45 pm
by HoarderofMistwalkers
Mist sits at her desk in the study with her quill in hand. Before her lies a blank scroll. This scroll is soon to be her paper on the Magi's summer life for that anthropologist. She is currently stuck in a writer's block, as she is not exactly an author. Mist did many things during her summer, but of which activities should she write? And how should she write about it? Behind her Cenatar awakes and rises from his bed of hay. From behind her shoulder he speaks,"I never knew you were an author, human."

Mist turns around in her chair and sighs, "I am not, but I guess it is time to learn because I must make a report about my summers here. It's for that anthropologist." Mist turns back and stares at the sheet of white. It's almost like it is mocking her with its blank stare.

Cenatar mutters something intelligible in his native tongue and then turns and speaks softly to Mist,"Well then, why not focus on the studies you attend or the activities you do during your free time? It's a lot easier than trying to remember all your activities during the long summer months." He turns around and looks out the window to where the aviary rests between two watchtowers. The watchtowers are no longer needed to host guards because there are few people who wish harm upon the magi, but they were kept there to use as sunning platforms for some the older dragons that fly about the keep. One is resting on one of them now, spreading its wings out to catch the rays of the afternoon sun.

"For example," says Cenatar still looking at the aviary,"Why not write about Frivaar a bit. I know you love to ride upon your puvia's colorful back."

"Yes," replies Mist, hope beginning to color her voice,"Thank you Cenatar." She begins to scratch words upon the scroll, telling of the many activities she does during the summer months.

Dear Anthropologist,

Life here at the Keep is an amazing but difficult life. It can be dangerous, trying to complete my studies. I often recount the day I was out cataloging herbs with Cenatar in the Silva forest. Cenatar stepped on a direwolf pup's tail, sending its nearby parents into a rampage. I still have a scar on my ankle where one tried to grab hold of me, but I digress. Indeed I may want to explain some of the places in the Keep where I would spend much my time in the summer. One is the study where I am now, writing this report to you. Here I spend my time recording what I have learned after an expedition into the mountains, for example. On the back wall of the study are the many scrolls and books that my fellow magi have written over the ages. No books of mine are in that collection, unfortunately, as I am not much of a writer myself. Near the door are many empty scrolls for magi to use when they ever write. To tell the truth, this only one of the many studies and libraries scattered about the keep. This one happens to be the one nearest to my room, and so I visit it often.
My fondness for birds and dragons often brings me to the aviary as well. You can see it just outside of the window in the study I am in now. There the younger draconians and birds often stay while their magi are busy with other work. They are watched over by many adult draconians while they play around in the gigantic room. This is where Frivaar likes to stay. Frivaar is a young male puvia whom I take great pleasure in caring for. It's not an uncommon sight to see me upon the colorful bird's back, flying aimlessly about the Keep and simply enjoying the warm summer breeze.
I also have a special place in my heart for the mysterious creature known the Mist Stalker, and there are many here living as my companions. But I am closer to none more so than Dusk, a young male mist stalker and one of the first creature companions to join me in my studies. I often take him and the other Mist Stalkers out into the timber near the Keep where they hunt game alongside me. Rabbits and ducks have all together become prey for my precious pets, and I enjoy the hunt almost as much as they do.
Now, these are only my own favorite summer pastimes. What about summer celebrations and holidays? One of my favorite festivals is just around the corner, Summer's Eve Carnival. We celebrate the last day of the summer by playing games and holding contests of things like strength or intelligence. Some of my favorite carnival games include: the riddle contest, not one I excel at but it is still incredibly fun; Three legged races, and dragon races, in which Birdwatcher and I have been a champion last Summer's End. The best part of Summer's End festival, however, are the fireworks that light up the night sky just before the mirth draws to a close. They are enhanced with magic to form beautiful patterns and colors. Some past fireworks include a massive golden dragon soaring across the sky or a fierce electric storm flashing with various blues and yellows. Never have I seen something as beautiful as those fireworks, and I may never see anything more beautiful, not in all my future life. The Summer's End festival is truly the best of all the summer celebrations and pastimes I have ever enjoyed.