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Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: May 28th, 2018, 1:05:37 pm
by Andraya
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
Yup. I have multiple. Usually they come and go depending on how bored I am.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
Was about 9 or so.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
I read Narnia.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Basically it was me inserting miself into fictional worlds.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
Active player and I was very dramatic.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
Nope. It is just for fun.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
With authors?

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
At night before I fell asleep

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Yes? It helps me flesh out charecters.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: June 3rd, 2018, 11:52:17 pm
by Triceratops
Wow! I always had a brain-story for as long as I can remember, but it's so nice to finally see it put into words and meet others in the same boat ;_; Well. Here goes nothing.

1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
I indeed have it and it still seems to persist into my adulthood o.o

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I think it started about the time i turned 8-10ish. It mostly took place with me literally acting it out over just keeping it just in my mind. It became "daydreaming" instead.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
I've never been traumatized in my life (my heart goes out to those who were/are), but I've always been a creative person who once struggled to develop good ideas for a story.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
I guess I refer to it as my brain-story, but otherwise it mostly shifts characters/settings/plots/events around a lot depending on what I'm currently fixated on in terms of movies/games/shows. Though typically long-lasting ones tend to have more depth and a story in a fanfic sort of way.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
More or less, both depending on the story at hand. Sometimes it's a self-insert and other times I just watch everything unfold without intervention.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
I am more likely to share my dream stories than my paracosm type of stories. Most of the brain-stories I develop are more of fulfillment of wants and desires, and let's just say this: some of these are guilty-pleasures best left unknown <.<;

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Daydreaming basically as my nightdreams are completely different stories and often better writing material, haha.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
Not that I can think of?

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
It helps as a creative exercise, but otherwise not particularly?

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
Never knew the name, but I've learned later in my teen years that it appeared to be a common sort of thing.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
An irl friend of mine admitted it to me once, but it wasn't really a topic we went into due to me being reluctant to share my experiences with it haha.

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: June 13th, 2018, 3:56:04 pm
by Skyprotecter
I never knew there was a word for this! Nor did I ever really think if other people had them for some reason. :t-shrug: Though thinking about it now it makes sense!

1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
I have two now! Have had three(?) different ones in the past as well.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
The three (or more) I've had in the past are ones I've stopped maintaining. I wish I knew why I stopped maintaining the first though. Or at least remembered more of it.

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I want to say I was 4 ish when I first began, might have been younger though? Other than short year or two pauses I don't think I've stopped.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
Near as I can tell something I just did.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Varies between the two I have now. Nether currently have a name. The setting for one is an I guess high fantasy? Though it varies some. Usually the main character that one follows is a character I'll sometimes roleplay. But sometimes it goes elsewhere, and doesn't really have a solid storyline. The other is a sci-fi space ish world. The characters are possibly more varied than the first and it has a set storyline. It's the one I focus on for writing also.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I observe from an external point of view and am not actually there most of the time. Like watching a movie, except since it's in my head I can change how things go. :evil:

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
I've shared them in the past and have never really been afraid of having them. The first one got used to keep my parents awake for a long drive at night before I stopped doing anything with it. (Perhaps I saw no more use for it?) I usually just share them with family and friends. But the fantasy one I have now is mostly a personal one.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
There were two I created with a close friend. But I've since stopped maintaining them. (I'd actually nearly completely forgotten one of them until now.) Most of them have been created and maintained just by me. Though sometimes I poke others for ideas on stuff if there's something I want to change and have gotten stuck.

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
All of the above! I enthusiastically write stuff from one of them.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
There was one when I was younger. But I think it was just me trying to cope with stress at the time. Could be interesting if I could actually visit them though. Assuming I didn't get munched on by a dragon or something else just as unpleasant. >.>

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Yes, they have! Without them I doubt I'd be trying to write any sorts of stories. Or really tried drawing as much.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
Didn't really know there was a term for them until reading this.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
Other than my best friend from school from several years ago that I shared two with. But I think those were both ones I started. I can't remember much else about that. :derp:

Ok going back to lurking now <.<

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: August 28th, 2018, 11:56:25 am
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
I used to have one when I was younger.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
Around the time I went to middle school, so when I was like 12-13 years old.

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I started pretty early, maybe around the time I started primary school, so I was probably 6 years old at the time.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
I think it was a mix of my wild imagination and serve trauma I was experiencing from an abusive father and bullying in school. It helped me cope with the harsh reality of my life.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
It started out as pretty much this blank space going on for miles, with mountains in the distance and just one tiny house, over time it developed into a full world with varying environments, cities and other things, there were multiple dimensions as well. The characters there were my favourite characters from different things, my ocs and my ex-best friend's ocs. There were multiple storylines and I and my friend were usually the heroes.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I was always present and I was pretty much myself there but more confident in myself and I had superpowers.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
I treat it as a big secret and I only ever told two people, one friend right before she moved out and my ex-best friend.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
At first, I was alone but then I told my ex-best friend and we developed a shared world.

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Daydreaming, right before I fell asleep and talking with my friend.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you travelled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
Yeah, I thought that it was real although I sometimes doubted myself. I sometimes even talked to myself while alone, pretending to talk to the characters from my paracosm.

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Yeah probably, it was pretty much my first step in storytelling.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
I never knew it was so common or there was a word for it, I forgot about my paracosm and this post reminded me of it.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
Once again, my ex-best friend, we met in primary school. We were both outcasts and bullied for our looks and other things so we bonded pretty easily. As for sharing the info I can't really remember, and I no longer keep contact with her to ask.

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: September 1st, 2018, 7:26:52 am
by 13310
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
As early as I can remember thought. I haven't.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
I always did this.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
There have been many. Some worlds were temporary, just for entertainment. Some were like invading thoughts, they would appear and stay longer than I thought. Not that I tried to get rid of them, but they would intrude when I least expected. The places don't have specific names, but they do have characters with full histories, names, etc. There are territories with names and whatnot. Just the worlds themselves don't really have a name.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I'm usually an active, but sometimes just an observer. My roles vary. Anywhere from lowest of the low to fairly well to do. In past years, I was sometimes not human, but more recently I've only been human.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
Yes and no. I wrote about them a lot. Whether anyone connected them to my personal thought-worlds, I don't know. I don't feel guilt or "weird" about it, but I don't share it, either. No point either way, unless it's a shared experience.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
Alone. A lot of them I don't "create", though; they just sort of appear. I don't know how they are so detailed or why they crop up so suddenly, or can vanish just as fast.

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Intrusive thoughts, daydreaming, awake or asleep. The writing was just when I thought it was interesting enough to share. Now that I don't have much incentive to write, the journeys are kept to myself.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
Only the dreaming ones. There's a particular one, which has been particularly hard to shake. The people in it (feeling as close friends) have shown up throughout all my years since twelve, and have grown along with me. Haven't seen that group in a while, though.

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Only a bit. I needed to write for projects some time back. Now it doesn't matter so much. The worlds keep my mind and memory functioning, though.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now?
Not really, but I expected that many other people, particularly writers, had experienced something similar.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm?
No. I don't care to share it, unless it is brought up by the other party first.

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: September 6th, 2018, 4:00:29 pm
by Inkwel
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
Yes, I have several.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
A few of them have died off after they got too complicated or I got bored with them. The remnants of a dead one is often repurposed into a new one.

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I've thought up worlds in my head my entire life.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
I've always needed an escape from normal life, so building these fantastical worlds is a way to do that.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
My current/main one has gotten to be massive, with tons of stuff going in it. I've even started writing it all down, and you can check it out if you want here.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I'm always passively observing, and always changing things.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
I don't really tell anybody about it except my best friend.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
I often tell my best friend ideas I have to see how they work.

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Nearly every second I have not doing something is spent building.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
Sometimes I really wish it were real, but no, I've never had delusions.

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
I make music, and I find that the stories I create help me draw emotion and put it into my music.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
I only found out about them after finding r/worldbuilding on Reddit.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
Besides r/worldbuilding, I've never personally met another person with a paracosm.

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: September 16th, 2018, 7:42:44 am
by liasa223
I'm just gonna answer the questions one by one :p

1. yeah, Ive got two at the moment and Ive had less detailed ones in the past. My fantasy paracosm is the more detailed one, and my 'real' paracosm is less detailed and just for fun (so no real storyline in example), but they're both 'active' as to speak.

3. I dont remember exactly when it started, but I know Ive always had an overactive imagination, which is and was a way to give the ADHD energy a place. It grew from imagining doing fun stuff with friends while I was stuck in school, to imagining whole worlds. (this answered 4 as well)

5. The 'real' one is simple, Its basically my dream life. My parents are rich as shizzle, we live in a big house, ive got a wardrobe worth thousands upon thousands and im studying to become a marine-biologist who rescues wildlife on the side. The fantasy is a bit wilder. I'm the queen of a race of humanoid aliens called mori's. we look similair to humans, but we're taller, got horns and have a connection to talking dragons which allows us to befriend and ride them. We age up to 90.000 years, and an 18.000 year old mori is basically the same as an 18 year old human (to keep it simple). we live on terra (original, right?) and everyone is united under my rule. peace prospers, and wars only exist to wage them on the monsters of phekzu, which is an evil sorcerer turning hate into living beings. our old age also allows for us to study humans, because a 14.000 year old child has already lived trough a lot of human history, let alone a 40.000 year old scientist. lately, we've been wanting to establish contact, so me and a few thousand mori live disguised on earth, until we've learned enough to fully integrate into the human race. from there on out I mostly just imagine battles and riding dragons and integrating into humanity and stuff. it sounds super cringey, I know. but in my head its a bit more badass and it gives my energy something to do while sitting on the train to school.

6. defenitely an active player

7. I never really tell anyone about it, it just seems kinda cringey and childlike.

8. its all my own brain :)

9. I always daydream about it, and sometimes when im trying to sleep. basically any time im bored I give myself something to do.

10. no, Ive never been in the delusion that its real. obviously I wished there was another race out there, or I was rich, but I know what's in my head is very much fake.

11. I dont really have a creative life, i dont write or produce videos or anything like that. Ive never been much good in translating my daydreams into art, and ive never really picked drawing up for it either. it's not a wish of mine, its really just to have an outlet.

12.I never thought I was the ONLY one to daydream about worlds, I figured with more than 7 billion humans alive there was gonna be people like me. I always just called it daydreaming, but with a storyline.

13. as far as I know, nobody around me has paracosms.

Hope this was interesting for you to read! sorry if my grammar is a bit off, Im used to having capital letters appear for me, and some words dont have the red wiggly line while they are spelled wrong. English isn't my first language :P

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: October 12th, 2018, 11:18:40 am
by Gjenganger
Ok, this is the first time I talk about my 'dreams' (how I call my paracosm in my mind), so pleas don't judge too hard.
So, Q&A
(Ps: sorry for any grammar mistake, my first language is not English and I've never been a good writer, you know, with dyslexia and all)

1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
Yeah, I have one right now.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
Oh, I tried it. Believe me I did. But it's stuck in my brain.

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I actually don't know. In my mind I've always had the 'dreams', I can't remember a time when I didn't have them.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
Always did.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
No, I never gave a name to it. It's actually a strange world, no humans, just animals with human characteristics and special "powers". Storyline? A main character (that sometimes changed into it's son/daughter) with super duper special abilities but considered an outcast for them.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I wasn't obviously a character in my world, but I consider the main character like a (waaay) cooler version of myself.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
No, absolutely no one knows about it. Apart you, of course. I've never really been comfortable about talking about it with someone I know. When I was younger i felt really bad having my 'dreams', I thought there was something wrong with me. Now? Now I just let them 'take control' of my mind and I seek them when I'm having a difficult time. They help me "unplug my conciousness" for a while.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Absolutely not writing. I'm really crap at it even in my own language.
I always 'dream' before going to sleep, it's actually the only way I'm able to fall asleep. And music. Music always trigger my 'dreams' (and I welcome them).
It's actualy like a switch in my brain. It's usually off but I sometimes (like if I'm bored) it switches off without my consent and it's quite hard to turn off in those cases. It pops up every time I turn it off.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Nope, no creativity here.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
I actually thought there was something rotten in my brain. A few years back I tried to google "recurrent daydreaming" and stuff like that but I could find anything, so I just assumed it was some kind of symptom of a mental illness.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
I've never met anyone that admitted to have a paracosm, this forum is really the first time I meet someone "like me".

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: November 18th, 2018, 9:24:29 pm
by TranquilHearts
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
still maintain it

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
around 9

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
always sort of did though more often in 5th grade

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
one of them was just clouds but turned into a kingdom in orange clouds a fantasy setting though still goes on with random things besides the main story

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
yes i was an active player and was apart of the main peeps i was a bit like i am now but more extroverted

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
i am open about it but never find a good opportunity to talk about it

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
mines alone

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
daydreaming and at night before i fall asleep

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
yes though it was very brief

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
it played a very big role and inspired me to make comics and animations about things

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
yes but didn't do that much research since i heard about the word in a ted talk at like 3 am

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
no though some of my friends like to day dream they dont know what a paracosm is

Re: Imaginary worlds in your mind? (Paracosms)

Posted: December 1st, 2018, 11:05:41 am
by Elephant7307
1. Do you now/ did you ever have a paracosm?
Yes, I've had them for a long time.

2. If you no longer maintain your paracosm, why did you stop?
Still have it.

3. About what age were you when you began worldplay? About what age were you when you stopped, if you have?
I began when I was 4... It hasn't really stopped.

4. Was there a triggering event that caused you to start a paracosm, or was it just something you always sort of did?
No, it was just always there for my own entertainment.

5. What is/was your paracosm like? Did it have a name? What was the setting like, and who were the characters? Was there a storyline? Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Oooh, fun.
My paracosom doesn't have a name, but it has a detailed storyline.
The main character is a prince who's secretly the devil's son, and struggles with his responsibilities. His best friend is a noble-class girl who lives in a candy kingdom. They're struggling to keep rebellious monsters from taking over their universe.

6. Were you an active player in your paracosm, or were you a passive observer on what the characters there did? If you were active, what were you like there?
I am an active player. I'm a rather friendly female demon named Moon whose brother leads the evil rebels.

7. Did you ever tell anyone about your paracosm? How do you feel about having one? i.e., was it a big secret that you were guilty about, or were you open about sharing it with others?
I've always been open about my universe, and I really love it, so... nope.

8. Did you create your paracosm alone, or with siblings/ close friends?
Just me, but some online friends and my writing club helped me out.

9. How did you play in your world, (by writing, by daydreaming, at night before you fell asleep, etc.)
Writing and drawing.

10. Were you ever deluded as to the reality of your paracosm, (believed it was a real place you traveled, delusions of godhood, etc.)
I've wished it was real sometimes when I'm struggling in life, but I just really see my characters as my best friends.

11. Has your paracosm played an important role in your creative life? How?
Oh, yeah. I'm actually WRITING a story instead of writing a chapter and procrastinating till the end of time.

12. Did you know about paracosms before now? How did you learn about them?
Nope, just learned the name for 'em now.

13. Did you/do you know anyone else who has/had a paracosm? How did you meet? How did you end up sharing information about your paracosms?
Just me...
And my best friends from elementery school, I suppose.

This was nice, thanks for making this thread!