Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by Goldchocobo »

Luna; I would 100% join. I miss RPing with you 110%. I'd love to try and make Isaac and Kadin for Mist- this time Isaac being a human rather than a bizarre tiger-shark thing I made up xD

Tumblr's a great way to requite; though it can be slow. In the tags if you do end up using tumblr, try adding 'dragon rp' , 'dragon rider rp' 'off site rp' 'site rp' ect to let people know.
DA is actually a good place too, since that's has a lot of members and such; you could make a group there and post art and lore on there as well: advertising yourself more.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by LunaStarlite »

Sweet! I'm putting stuff together for it already but still a little hesitant like 'is now the right time? Should I get my novel done and published first?' Like I'm getting stuff together and figuring it out though so as far as laying the foundation goes I'd say I am making progress and I guess for now I am more or less set to actually do this. :)

I'm hesitant about advertising on DA because I've seen a lot of.... immaturity there, especially recently. Maybe it's just around the people I'm following (especially the adoptable species people I feel so sorry for them) but it's made me uncomfortable about the site in general or I'd be updating there more.
I'd like to get a slightly older, more mature audience for this, more like fifteen and up instead of thirteen and up? I wouldn't have anything graphic/explicit publicly, if people want to do explicit sex or torture they gotta take it to pms or something or get banned still but, I'd just like to start with that slightly older limit? I feel like, at least for MYSELF, those two years made a big difference in my own maturity level. Do you guys think that's a bad idea/gives people the wrong idea? I feel like it might be a decent quality control thing but does "you must be at least fifteen, private rps may reach a rating of R" seem like it would attract the wrong kind of people?
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by Goldchocobo »

It's a bit of a grey area, I think....
I've met great and intelligent mature 13 year olds, while petty and childish 18 year olds, so it varies from person to person.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by LunaStarlite »

That is true, but as far as general populations go, think I might do that 'please be at least 15' thing unless someone pushes me not to, going by the changes my own personality and my friends and everyone i know well underwent during that time.
WELP. The website and Tumblr account TECHNICALLY exist now, but like, in a skeleton freshly born form. Like if you look them up there's nothing there but they do exist so.... Give me some days to learn HTML and make stuff look nice and I guess I'm actually doing this? XD
Even though I've planned to do this and begun real researching for it it still feels so spontaneous! Hope that's not a bad thing in the long run.

Also, like I said this site is not just a remake of Lanters, this is like, a site for rping with my entire headworld of Myist, so, a lot of possibility. I'll even include a board for rps not related to Myist so if you want to make your own original stuff there do it!
I will have a ton of lore so I want to make it clear now I do NOT expect you guys to memorize it all or even read everything. I just can't expect that there's too much. I'll put it up for people to make use of if they want but if it is ignored I wont mind at all. If you wanna pick and choose bits of lore to use or even make your own rps within Myist but contrary to some 'canon' lore that's totally cool. In one of my own rps, especially any big event or Myistin storyline rp, the only time I would ask you to fix something you posted that goes against lore is if it is REALLY important and currently relevant so, to sum up, there will be a ton of lore. Don't be intimidated. Skim some of the basics and you're probably good to go. I'll actively make an effort NOT to be nitpicky. I want this to be fun and small details don't matter that much in the long run as long as we can all enjoy ourselves.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by Goldchocobo »

what's the tumblr so I can follow?

Also- you don't really need to learn HTML for stuff like Tumblr- as you can get free themes and modify them with pictures, background colours, text and colour ect- it's what I do and I've made some decent looking ones.
My main tumblr is pretty plain, but my Feral Heart tumblr is a bit flashy? I know I need to fix it because it only displays the first page and you can't go any further without adding /page/2 to the web address.

I suppose it doesn't hurt to learn HTML, but only really if your looking to go into something like webdesign or something idk.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by Silvereye »

LunaStarlite wrote:Okay, so then I have at least you two, and I'm sure with enough time I might actually find more people if I wanted to start my own site. Do you two remember Myist and the dragon riders rp I made a while ago? This site I wanna make would be centered around Myist and all its lore I've made up, not just dragon riders but that whole fantasy world, maybe structured vaguely like Valucre, where there's maps and world lore and encyclopedias worth of stuff you can use, but you don't HAVE to use any of it, or you could pick and choose, and there could maybe even be a section for entirely non-Myist related roleplay? I'd also like to try using a dice roller/random number generator system for fights, unless you've had really bad experiences with those? I've heard they usually add some real fun to battles.
I'd like to get together a ton of art for the site to show races and creatures and stuff, but I know that could take forever, maybe I should just start putting it together and get art up piece by piece later?
Right now I'm looking at using pro-boards. I've seen that work really well for other people's forum sites. Ultimately though I know only very basic HTML. I could learn, yeah, but my lack of knowledge could be a real problem.

For the first time I actually have been really really looking into this and considering it seriously, heh.
What about Silver? Cause when you read this Silver I'd really love to see you join too if I make this, but please don't feel pressured like I wanna know honestly would you want to join a new site? Would you be excited for it or just joining cause I asked? I know your internet stability and real life have made it hard to get on with any frequency lately, or at least i have gotten that impression?

Would you guys have friends you could recruit? Cause if I can't find at least like.... five, preferably more like seven people besides myself to start with who would be eager to join and could post at LEAST every other day, I may shelf this plan again for a later time, it would feel pointless to me if I didn't feel like at least a certain amount of people were honestly pumped for this.
I could make a Tumblr blog for it and do little art and lore updates while I get it together. That might gather some interest and publicity and more people interested in joining...

Honestly Luna...I don't know. I'm in my senior year of high-school, I have two AP classes to get through plus all the stress of graduation. I have weekends sometimes but home-life is stressful as usual and getting worse to a certain degree...I would love, from an emotional standpoint, to join a new site and just RP with you guys when I had time, but I am not sure I'd be able to promise activity...but I would love to. RPing is probably an addiction for me, to be honest, and I would love to stick with you guys, it's just...home life. Until I can start living my aunt (hopefully this next summer) I can't promise activity at all.

That all being said...I miss Myist, I really do. I miss our private RP on here (which I think I did reply to???), and I miss seeing that progress as a good story...and I really miss everything we did in there and developing characters in such a complex and beautiful world. So...yeah, I'd be down for it, so long as there was a spot for unrelated RP and Private, I'd be more than happy to do it. I play D&D myself these days, so I've some experience doing more branched-out things, and although I'm keeping Nicholas and his (hopeful) novels in my head, and my own dragon-rider world as well...I think I can find the time and energy, if I put some serious effort into it.

As for Tumblr, I RP on there, but for GROUP RP? I don't recommend it. For advertising, sure, but not group RP. I have a few group verses in it and it kinda drives me insane even though the groups themselves are awesome and the threads are only 1x1s still.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by LunaStarlite »

I just want HTML for the actual site. I can do plenty on Tumblr already, and the Tumblr account is just for advertising and to post related art, story bits, and lore. Sorry if that wasn't clear. The Tumblr account is MyistinPathways but like I said it is completely dead. Nothing there yet. Haven't even changed the avatar yet.

OMG Silver I'm so sorry I missed your post there?? I replied now, how long was that sitting still? I'm sorry. I loved and miss our 1x1 also. I understand if you're busy but I'm very encouraged to hear you would like to join! As soon as you get time you'd be welcome, and honestly I wouldn't mind only rarely seeing you in a 1x1 or so.
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by Silvrechan »

Yeah, I'd say I agree with you on the age limit thing, Luna. Also, followed the blog for when stuff does come out!

I've got to say, I'm excited for this!
I'm no longer active on this site. I'm still around various places as theladysilvre. Thanks for the memories!
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by LunaStarlite »

I'm glad to hear there's actual real excitement/interest in this! I think I'm basically done with the absolute basics. I'm sure I'll keep tweaking them. I wanna make the basics nice and concise for people. But all I really need to add before people could start joining is guidelines for playable races/species. I want to/have to include some art for that though to really show the kinds of creatures I'm talking about clearly so that may still take a couple days? I work most of tomorrow but Sunday I have all day off so unless family things happen I can devote most of Sunday to this. Also once my ipod gets fixed (should be tonight) I'll probably be able to work on this a little on the go as well! So to sum up, we might be almost ready!
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Re: Firelight Madness • The Miller's Inn

Post by LunaStarlite »

I'm finishing up the absolute minimum to start us off! The site is here!

I have no roleplays up myself yet. Still busy with lore and site structure adjustments, but if anyone has an idea feel free to start us off and host an rp there yourself! I'm still working on the base species to give people an idea of what kind of creatures are appropriate here. I've got up the pictures, working on the brief descriptions right now. Any questions about other essentials feel free to ask. But you don't need to follow Myist canon lore if you don't want. In fact there's an entire board for rps with nothing to do with Myist at all.

Please read the rules before registering though. (There's a word in there that you're supposed to put in your request message while registering)

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